Start an Empty Bowls Event in Your Area

LeRoy Grubbs
Please let me know more about your interest with Empty Bowls. Have you been to one before?

Thank you very much for your interest in starting an Empty Bowls Event in your area.  Here is a quick link for starters:

Quick Bullet Points from our blog a few more ideas:

Might you be inclined to start your own?

*. Find a local food bank that appreciates the opportunity for support and willing to help.  You’ll need servers and connections to get soup.

*. Talk to your local pottery friends, plus schools that have pottery, that like to make bowls.

*. Figure out where and when works best. Send us information on the event and we will post it for you too.

*. Make Bowls, Talk it up with friends, local business to make donations of soup. Look for sponsorships.

*. Send out press release a few times starting a couple of months before the date.  Include the local radio and TV Channels. You’ll be invited to speak and end up in the news.

** Don’t be shy to ask. Be infinitely grateful for all the support you receive.

You’re Bold, You’re Beautiful, Be Fearless – Build it and they will come.



Start an Empty Bowls Event in Your Area
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