Community Clayworks, is sponsoring an Empty Bowls fundraiser on November 11th at St. Marks Church in Los Olivos. 100% of the proceeds go to the Food Distribution Program at Bethania Church in Solvang.
SAVE THE DATE: November 11th 2022. For Tickets:
Tickets entitle guests to pick a hand-made bowl and enjoy a simple dinner of soup and bread. Beer and wine will be available. Local restaurants including Coast Range, Pico, Clean Slate, New West Catering, Campo del Sol, and Ramen Katori will be providing soup for the event.
Food insecurity is an issue that is an ever present reality in our country, and our local community is not immune.The hope is that by hosting gatherings such as Empty Bowls, where community locals come together to create art and share in a simple meal, we can continue to raise awareness and aid in ultimately addressing the systemic root causes of food insecurity.