Good morning LeRoy Grubbs,
My name is Noah Vargas, and I am the Student Director of the Center for Excellence in Learning through Service (CELTS) and I am reaching out because we are hosting an Empty Bowls event this spring on March 30th at Berea College. We have hosted this event in the past, but just like many traditions, the Empty Bowls event had been drastically altered due to the Pandemic. However, this year we can finally go back to a large-scale in-person event.
I was reaching out to see if you had any resources or possible logos or visual aids that could help us advertise our event. Additionally, I wanted to see if there is anything formal we need to do for the event as we are planning, like specific acknowledgments or required procedures.
I look forward to hearing from you soon and thank you for your time.
In Service,
Noah J. Vargas
Noah Vargas
Berea College 23’
Biology & Agriculture and Natural Resources Major
Student Director of CELTS (Community position)
Bonner Scholar | Gilman Scholar
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