
Fareground Food Empty Bowls Saturday, October 21st, 11am-2pm St. Mary’s Episcopal Church One Chestnut Street, Cold Spring, NY 10516 Join us for a delightful gathering this fall! Enjoy a simple communal lunch cooked by local restaurants, and take home a bowl made by area potters as a reminder of those in our community who experience food insecurity. FAMILY-FRIENDLY […]

Canada Helps Empty Bowls

6th Annual Empty Bowls Fundraiser; Saskatoon, SK, Canada; Join the Empty Bowls movement and help care for your community by enjoying an evening of good local food and beverages, entertainment, artisanry, and more! All proceeds raised support CHEP’s food actions in the community.; of organization : CHEP Good Food Inc.

Empty Bowls Strathroy-Caradoc

Hi Leroy, I’m running the social media for Empty Bowls Strathroy-Caradoc – and we are having our first event this October. Our Website is: Our Facebook is: Our Instagram is: —  Sarah Jennings

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