YOU can make a difference!
Debbie Christian
Executive Director - 253-833-8925
The Auburn Food Bank…Â Â …giving Hope to face tomorrow!
Join us on Facebook!  Auburn Food Bank Debbie Christ
Help raise money?
…..Use Smile Amazon (same sign in as your Amazon account)…choose The Auburn Food Bank as your charity, and we will receive a percentage of your every purchase from Amazon!
….Fred Meyer Rewards…login and register The Auburn Food Bank as your charity!  Fred Meyer will share a percentage of your purchase!
We are a food bank that serves people in need living within the Auburn School District. Food distribution is M-T-Th-F, a hot meal program, holiday baskets, a backpack progam, limited home delivery to in-bound shut-ins, budget and healthy cooking classes, job rehab and training.  We help with financial assistance for those in jeopardy of losing their home, having their power shut off, or need emergency prescription help (one time a year). We also operate the Ray of Hope Resource Center and the Sundown Shelter for our homeless community. Our goal is to reach as many people in need in our community to help better their lives.  We are here for that time in life when a hand up is needed to give the confidence and self-esteem back to those who feel they have lost it all.  We see an average of 125 families each day and the need is growing as the rising costs continue to impact households.  We serve all who walk through our door – if they are here – they need our help!