Thank you Marina for the note. Â Yes!! Â By all means. Â You have a great idea for an exchange of Canned or Boxed goods for the bowls. Â I have suggested a drive by bowl event, this sounds like the right idea.
Please do send more information and pictures about your idea and event.  I’ll publish and share online.
On Aug 10, 2020, at 11:01 AM, Marina Parker wrote:Hello,My name is Marina Parker and I am an art teacher in Erie, PA. I heard about the Empty Bowls program on a podcast from another art teacher. I love the idea and want to somehow have my students participate.We are going back to school, but I don’t know how long it will last, so I am planning on making bowls with them on the first day of school. I hope to have them done by the end of September.I was wondering if people are doing a virtual kind of event? I was thinking that people could exchange canned or boxed goods for the bowl? We could then donate all of the food to our local food bank? Things are very strict here at my school and I know I will not be able to do anything that is in person, but I really want my students to see that art can influence the world in a positive way.Thank you for your time,Marina Parker
Empty Bowls – Erie, PA.