
Gift a bowl

Give a handcrafted ceramic bowl and at the same time provide 10 meals for every $1 you spend. Your gift will make the recipient happy, the person receiving the meals happy, the pottery artist happy and also you will feel happy knowing that you have made a difference in someone’s life. During this year of […]

Stone Soup – World Food Day

The story of Stone Soup:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqbWMlQyEK8 When the community comes together nobody goes hungry. There are many examples of this classic tail.  The ingredients vary from story to story from a stone to a nail or axe. Support World Food Day! True story:  What’s the most memorable meal you’ve ever had? Where was it? Who […]

Empty Bowls Event Sold Out

I love my Empty Bowls Like many things in 2020, the NeighborImpact Empty Bowls Event will look different this year. There will be no in person event where neighbors gather to enjoy a meal and listen to music. Instead, families will come together in their own homes to enjoy a home cooked meal with ingredients […]

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