Here’s how to start your own Empty Bowls project or join one in your local area.
Starting with doing a search for Emtpy Bowls in your nearest city. Looking for news paper articles or posts online. For example: Here’s a good lead and starting point. For Willits CA:
Might you be inclined to start your own? Â Â
*. Find a local food bank that appreciates the opportunity for support and willing to help.  You’ll need servers and connections to get soup.
*. Talk to your local pottery friends, plus schools that have pottery, that like to make bowls.
*. Figure out where and when works best. Send us information on the event and we will post it for you too.
*. Make Bowls, Talk it up with friends, local business to make donations of soup. Look for sponsorships.
*. Send out press release a few times starting a couple of months before the date.  Include the local radio and TV Channels. You’ll be invited to speak and end up in the news.
** Don’t be shy to ask. Be infinitely grateful for all the support you receive.
Be Bold, Be Beautiful, Build it and they will come.